August 6, 2002 - Another Forest Lake Association (FLA) Annual Meeting has come and gone.  Even though the rain tried to shut us down and may have scared some away, we all persevered thanks to several tents and Mark and Rita Bawden's garage where the food was sheltered from the rain.   The financial health of the FLA is in good shape and, thanks to the work of the Forest Lake Preservation Foundation, they hope to encourage all lake homeowners to donate to the worthy cause in the fight to control the spread of Eurasian Water Milfoil (EWM) in the lake.  If you would like to donate to the foundation, just go to their website: and click on the "Support Us" tab to make a tax deductible donation. 

The election of three new board members was accomplished with Larry Heindl, David Pushka and Linda Bogdala now on the Board.   Many thanks to outgoing members Tom Gage, Donna Murry and Janine Smith for their tireless work on behalf of everyone on Forest Lake.

As many of you know, the Lake Champion Award was started in 2019 to recognize those individual homeowners that have worked selflessly for the lake over the years.  The criteria is simple, it is individuals who have done some of the “dirty work” or as we commonly say the “unsung heroes”.  They do this work through selfless actions that preserve the lake and our community for future generations to enjoy what our founding Lake Association homeowners not only experienced but laid the groundwork to ensure that we continue to enjoy today.   Today, we are very pleased to announce this year's Lake Champion Award winner is:   Tom Macak!!

Tom's diligent surveillance, scuba diving, hand pulling, water sampling, report writing, communication with local, county and state environmental/DNR groups as well as homeowners has affected not only the lake homeowners locally but also visitors using the lake via the public landing.  These visitors come from Vilas County, all over Wisconsin and surrounding states to enjoy the superior water quality, fishing and recreational water activities.  Since 2001 when EWM was first found in the lake, Tom has championed the fight against this invasive species.  With his wealth of knowledge regarding the subject, he has educated lake homeowners at annual meetings and through other communications since 2004.  He is also part of the Loon Watch and since 1996 has been a part of the DNR's Citizen Monitoring Network.  Thank you, Tom.  And as we like to call him "Dr. Milfoil".


"Our road is fairly well completed.  There is nothing in the state like it, deriving its beauty from its indented shoreline, its shapely points, bays and peninsulas, wonderful bathing beaches, wooded islands, etc., all in the midst of the virgin forest, but still can be seen with the confort and pleasure of travel that you would in viewing the ordinary city sub urb...injustifying the prices we must obtain for Forest Lake frontage...when you ask $20 and $25 per foot for frontage on undeveloped lake, some of them are surprised for an instant and you become schooled in every defense that y ou can think of, including the high cost of road construction...Don't get the opinion fromwhat I have just said that I think these prices too high because I do not and as per your instructions, I am offering special inducements to the pioneers, but it must be skillfully done so as not to establish a precedent of prices  to those that come after."

Additional documents regarding the history of Forest Lake can be found below.  If you have any documents, newspaper clippings, etc. that you think others on the lake would find interesting, please contact us.  Thank you!

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